Make sure those rods and reels have fresh line. Check your tackle box for all your favorite colors of plastics.
Stop by www.brushPilejig.com for our latest colors and styles. Check out the hot new 2" Darts these laminate style baits are making a huge splash everywhere they go. They are tough as nails and the crappie love them. Click your favorite color bait below to be transported directly to the page. Tight Lines!
My wife got me a couple of jig kits from you guys. And I love them especially the little diver 2" disco gold right now thats the color I am catching alot of crappie on. Its been the best crappie fishing I have ever had and they are really durable. Caught 30 crappie on one jig before having to replace it. Brushpile jigs are awesome and are really worth it!!!! I will be buying more here in the very near future.